Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE), with approximately 3300 staff members, is a research university specializing in engineering science & technology and is located in Eindhoven, the heart of the Brainport region of the Netherlands. TUE profiles itself as the university where innovation starts; Smart Mobility and Energy are two of its the strategic areas its research focuses on. TUE participates in this project with the Control Systems Group of the Electrical Engineering Department. The research field of the Control Systems group is the area of dynamic modelling and model-based control of complex dynamical systems. The group is an internationally recognized center of research in Systems and Control, where contributions to fundamental theory are combined with advancing innovative technological applications in a selected number of domains and in cooperation with relevant industrial partners.

Located in Eindhoven, Netherlands
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Within the LONGRUN project, TUE will work on developing eco-driving and eco-routing strategies, particularly focusing on the use-case provided by DAF and VDL, and on further improving the vehicles efficiency by optimizing the energy efficiency by improving the energy management strategy of the vehicle. The will require modelling of the vehicles’ energy consumers (including its auxiliary systems) and convertors (i.e., the powertrain) By combining eco-driving with vehicle energy management, an optimal use of the vehicles’ energy will be achieved, leading to a high brake-specific energy consumption.