A model was developed that is able to describe the state of the passive NOx adsorber, which is critical for the use of PNA, since it must be empty when NOx is formed at low temperature. Involved partners combined catalyst synthesis, characterization, activity measurements, kinetic modelling and full-scale simulations. The kinetic model includes the effect of different gas compositions, catalyst formulations and poisoning and regeneration effects. In addition, the control of the NOx level in the PNA will be investigated with the help of a virtual vehicle model. The model comprises all relevant physical domains (i.e. driveline, hybrid system, engine thermodynamics, combustion, pollutant formation,…) and incorporates the PNA kinetic model developed in this project. With this, various driving conditions can be simulated leading to engine-out emissions and temperatures that need to be handled by the PNA and the rest of the exhaust aftertreatment system.
Scientific papers published (Chalmers, AVL):
“Kinetic modeling of CO assisted passive NOx adsorption on Pd/SSZ-13”, Chemical Engineering Journal 428 (2022) 132459.
“Insight of CO induced degradation mode of Pd/SSZ-13 in NOx adsorption and release: experiment and modeling”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 439 (2022) 135714.